As we celebrate Thanksgiving this week, we are certain to be thankful for the plentiful amounts of food most of us will enjoy.

Whether we have turkey or ham, stuffing or dressing, sweet or smashed potatoes, green bean casserole or cranberry sauce, pecan or apple pie, we will likely eat too much, get sleepy afterwards, maybe watch some parades or college football.

Along with the meal, no doubt there will be dinner rolls or yeast biscuits or some other type of bread.

How appropriate, then, to think about this name of God: Bread of Life.

Jesus told them, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never become hungry, and whoever believes in me will never become thirsty” (John 6:35, GW).

Of course, Jesus didn’t refer to physical hunger or thirst, but to the ache inside each one of us that can only be filled by God Himself. Not only that, but since bread and water are essential to life, He was saying that He is essential to life.

Of course, God is the Creator of life. But as the Bread of Life, Jesus provides the nourishment we need for a fulfilling and purpose-filled life. But first we have to accept His invitation and come to Him.

When you sit down to a feast on Thursday this week, I hope you celebrate the One who promised that you would never hunger or thirst again.

Because He is the One whom we thank for all of our blessings. And His love is the greatest blessing of all.

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