by Marie | 4th Of July, Devotionals, Faith, Freedom, Holidays, Life, Marie Wells Coutu, Such a Moment
This week in America, we will celebrate our freedom. There’ll be fireworks, parades, flag-waving, patriotic music, and cookouts. No doubt, there will also be demonstrations, protests, and division. Because of our Constitution, we have the freedom to express...
by Marie | Freedom, Holidays, Marie Wells Coutu, Prayer, Such a Moment
Today is Presidents’ Day. So what? I remember when Washington’s Birthday and Lincoln’s Birthday were celebrated on different days. I was still in school then, before the Federal government combined the holidays and moved it to the third Monday in...
by Marie | Devotionals, Faith, Life, Marie Wells Coutu, Peace, Such a Moment, Trust
The world is at war. But I’m not talking about the kind of war you’re thinking. My pastor on Sunday said, “We live in a world that is at war with God.” It’s hard to disagree. Terrorism, violent protests, broken families, drug abuse, and...
by Marie | Devotionals, Faith, Love, Marie Wells Coutu, Patience, Such a Moment, Unity
“Be humble and gentle in every way. Be patient with each other and lovingly accept each other. Through the peace that ties you together, do your best to maintain the unity that the Spirit gives” (Ephesians 4:2-3, ESV) It’s been a rough week in the...
by Marie | Devotionals, Imitation, Marie Wells Coutu, Mended Vessels, Such a Moment
Chasing waves became a great game at the beach for me and my almost-two-year-old granddaughter recently. You know, you walk out just to where the last wave ended. As the next wave comes splashing in, you back up quickly, trying to avoid letting the water “catch” you....