by Marie | Comfort, Devotionals, Faith, Fear, Life, Marie Wells Coutu, Such a Moment, Trust
A speaker on the radio this week said the Bible includes 366 references dealing with fear. The number 366 caught my attention. That means there is one verse about fear for each day of the year, even in a leap year. When I tried a search for the word, I got nearly a...
by Marie | Marie Wells Coutu
A couple of my friends enjoy mowing grass. They love being out in the sun and riding around on their tractors to keep their lawns tidy. Me? Not so much. We have nearly two acres, and the frequent rains this summer has meant the grass needs to be mowed frequently. My...
by Marie | Marie Wells Coutu
Spring has finally arrived in northwest Iowa. I know because the hummingbirds and orioles are here. (The temperature hasn’t made up its mind, however.) We have more birds this year than we have since we moved here, probably because our trees and bushes are...
by Marie | Billy Graham, Devotionals, Easter, Holidays, Marie Wells Coutu, Mended Vessels, Such a Moment
The Easter concert we attended Palm Sunday included five lit candles as symbols of Christ’s life. At key points during the program, the narrator extinguished one of the candles. When he snuffed out the last candle, it wouldn’t go out. He tried several...
by Marie | Marie Wells Coutu
A friend working on a home improvement project struggled to remove a screw on a light fixture. After twenty minutes of attempting to turn the screw, he took a break. “I know the old saying, ‘Lefty loosey, righty tighty,'” he said. “But it...