Hard to believe, but this past Sunday was the first week of Advent–the beginning of the beginning.
“Advent” means “coming” in Latin, and for centuries Christians have observed the four weeks leading up to Christmas as a time of remembering the birth of Jesus Christ. For many Christian denominations, Advent is the beginning of the liturgical year.
In many ways, His birth was the beginning of a totally different life. Jesus declared that His followers should live in a way that is opposite of what is expected–turn the other cheek, love your enemy, cut off any body part that causes you to sin. And in fact, His followers changed the world.
The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. (John 1:9, ESV)
Likewise, when an individual chooses to become a follower of Jesus, his or her life turns completely around.
So as the season of Advent begins, we begin the season of preparing to celebrate the birth of Christ, and possibly our own rebirth.
I hope you have found the beginning of your new life. If not, won’t you look for it during this season of Advent? After all, what better time than Christmas to begin a different–and better–life?