New Giveaway!

New Giveaway!

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them.” – John 10:27 ESV Yes, that’s exactly what this is, plus you get to be subscribed to my monthly newsletter. If you love books and carrying them with you wherever you go, this is the tote bag for you! It...
The Absolute Best Bucket List

The Absolute Best Bucket List

Making a “Bucket List” became popular a few years ago following the release of the Jack Nicholson-Morgan Freeman movie by that name. I’m sure the desire to accomplish certain things or see exotic places before you die–or before you...
Age to Age

Age to Age

She turned 101 today. My amazing aunt, Irene Gray McGee, celebrates her birthday today, surrounded by family and friends who love her. She is doing amazingly well for her age. She’s the third person in my family to live more than 100 years. Her sister–my...

Stories are life

I write fiction because it reflects life. Jesus told parables. He knew that fictional stories can sneak up on the hearers (or readers) and touch their emotions. Two thousand years later, His fictional stories (especially the Good Samaritan, the Prodigal Son, and the...