Shocking news came this morning of the sudden, unexpected death of a sweet woman I had only begun to get to know.
I’m saddened, especially for her daughter and other family members, but also for those of us who were blessed by her life and looked forward to spending more time with her.
But along with the sorrow is the assurance that she is with the Savior she loved. And since this is Passion Week, it’s also a reminder that death is not the end. The grave is not sealed.
For those who have placed their faith in Christ Jesus, this life gives way to an eternity in the presence of God, because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. If His crucifixion had been the end, this world would be all that matters. We would have no hope.
But death was conquered more than two thousand years ago. And someday, all pain and sorrow will pass away.
For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth. Job 19:25 ESV
The classic sermon by preacher S.M.Lockridge, “It’s Friday…but Sunday’s Coming,” is one of my favorites as we prepare to celebrate Easter. “Death, where is your victory? Death, where is your sting?” (I Corinthians 15:55, ESV).
Take four minutes to watch this and be thankful that Jesus overcame the grave: