Computer with question

If computers had been around in the first century, the Bible might be shorter.

Not because God had less to say, but because technology can get in the way. The New Testament writers would have run out of time waiting for the Geek Squad.

For a Boomer who grew up in the age of manual typewriters, I think I’m pretty computer savvy. I’ve learned many software programs on my own, and when I worked full-time, I sometimes showed coworkers how to use the programs.

But sometimes technology frustrates me, like when I have trouble with our home Wi-Fi network or when I try to sync my phone to iTunes.

As a fiction author in today’s marketplace, I need to do a lot on social media in addition to my writing. And, or course, I use my computer to write. Sometimes I spend too much time trying to solve technology issues when I should be working on my next novel.

I guess I need to develop the habit of worshiping or praying while I’m waiting for programs to download or for my computer to finish “thinking.” That would be a way to “redeem the time,” as we are instructed in Scripture. Ephesians 5:16 (KJV)

At any rate, I’m grateful that computers weren’t around in A.D. 30 because we would be missing some of what God has to say to us. And that would be a much bigger loss than the time that I lose waiting on technology.


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