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The dog went on an adventure the other night and wound up in the lake.
Our son’s family was visiting for the weekend, the stars were out, and meteor showers were predicted. We live a couple miles outside town with few lights around us, so the night sky view is pretty incredible. We sat outside watching for shooting stars along with their dog Summit, a beautiful, white Samoyed. But Summit is eleven years old and slowing down, and rarely runs off when he’s at our house, so he wasn’t tied up.
He must have heard a neighbor dog barking because he was there one minute and gone the next.
After about fifteen minutes wandering the neighborhood with flashlights in hand, our son found him in the lake. He was standing on a big rock but needed help getting back up on shore. The theory is that he ran (or walked) to investigate the other dog. The wind was still, the lake smooth, and the night dark. Summit may have run out on the dock and kept going, thinking there was land where there was actually water.
How often have you jumped into the dark without knowing where you were going and found yourself unable to get out? I know I have. That’s why we need the Word. Jesus said, “The one who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going. While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light” (John 12:35-36, ESV).
Jesus is the light we need for our day-to-day lives. When the darkness surrounds us, we have to look to His Light for guidance.
Instead of bumbling around in the darkness and getting into fixes you can’t get out of, follow the Light. The adventure is worth it when He leads.