I like the idea of choosing one word as a “theme” for the year. I really do.
I first remember hearing the idea last year. And I’ve seen several posts from friends who have chosen words like lov, faith, joy. But God hadn’t delivered a word to me that seemed to be the one for 2015.
Until this morning, the second day of January.
And I realized that my word for this year had to be “Jesus.”
I’m not trying to be an overachiever. And if I’m downright honest about it, my second word has to be “consistency.” Because I regularly declare (silently) my desire to be more consistent in my prayer and devotional life, in my writing and blogging, in my physical activity, in my relationship-building. And I consistently fail to be consistent in any of those areas.
So this year, I do want to be consistent. But I’m going to start by focusing on Jesus. And I’ll consistently ask Him to help me be faithful to Him, and faithful in all those other areas. Because I can’t do it on my own, that’s for sure.