As we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday this week, the praise song “10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)” seems especially appropriate.
Don’t worry, I’m not going to try listing that many blessings. But given enough time and patience, I’m sure I could come up with more than 10,000 reasons I am thankful to God. Here’s just a few:
- I’ll start by saying I’m grateful to live in a country where we observe this holiday as a nation. For many, it’s more about spending time with family, watching football, and fighting Black Friday crowds to get the best deals. Nevertheless, for those who remember the reason for the holiday, it’s an opportunity to take a break to remember that all our blessings come from God.
- Living in a country where we are free to worship God without fear of imprisonment.
- God, who gives us life and everything we have, and who gave His Son to redeem us from darkness and bring us into the light of His glorious presence.
- My parents, who raised me to know, love, and serve Jesus.
- A loving husband who faithfully demonstrates his love to me daily.
- My children and their spouses, who each have their own talents, quirks, and ways of showing their love.
- Grandchildren, each with their own personalities, favorite foods, and charms, and who give great hugs.
- Extended family, scattered across the country but who are frequently on my mind and let me know that I’m on theirs.
- Church family and small groups in every place we’ve lived, many of whom we stay in touch with.
- Writing friends and critique groups who help me improve my writing, encourage me to keep going when I’m discouraged, and hold me accountable both in my writing and in my spiritual journey.
- Readers, especially those who have read one or more of my novels and ask when the next one is coming out. Without them, I’d be writing in a vacuum.
Eleven is an odd number on purpose, and I’ll stop there. What (or who?) is on your list of blessings? Share one or two in the comments below or on my Facebook page., so I can celebrate and give thanks to God, both with you and for you.
Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever! (1 Chronicles 16:34, ESV)
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!