by Marie | Blessings, Devotionals, Faith, Gratitude, Holidays, Hymns, Marie Wells Coutu, Praise, Such a Moment, Thankfulness
It’s Thanksgiving Week and many of us are busily preparing for family get-togethers, a big holiday meal, and perhaps parades or football. And, of course, Black Friday shopping. You may be excited to see family and view the cooking and preparations as fun. Or it...
by Marie | Blessings, Faith, Freedom, Gratitude, Holidays, Marie Wells Coutu, Praise, Such a Moment, Thankfulness
As we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday this week, the praise song “10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)” seems especially appropriate. Don’t worry, I’m not going to try listing that many blessings. But given enough time and patience, I’m...
by Marie | Creation, Gratitude, Life, Marie Wells Coutu, Praise, Such a Moment
Iowa’s not flat, after all. And it’s not all cornfields. Most people who don’t live in the Midwest probably know little more about the state of Iowa than what they saw in the movie Field of Dreams, with its classic exchange: A baseball player asks,...
by Marie | Daylight Saving Time, Devotionals, Faith, Life, Marie Wells Coutu, Praise, Such a Moment, Time
Daylight Saving Time is back. There’s been the usual haters and lovers, of course. Some people don’t like losing an hour of sleep, while others love the extra hour of daylight each evening. I just want to know, where does the time go? What happened to that...