by Marie | Devotionals, Faith, Marie Wells Coutu, Such a Moment
Did you know the Bible has a verse for the New Year? “Forget what happened in the past, and do not dwell on events from long ago. I am going to do something new” (Isaiah 43: 18-19, GW). Okay, the verse isn’t specifically for New Year’s, but it...
by Marie | Christmas, Devotionals, Faith, Holidays, Marie Wells Coutu, Peace
Some of my most vivid Chrismas memories have something to do with gifts: -The year I snuck into my parents’ bedroom and found the one present I wanted most! Though I was excited to know I was getting a Ken doll, there was a bit of a letdown, too, due to the lack...
by Marie | Christmas, Christmas traditions, Devotionals, Faith, Holidays, Marie Wells Coutu, Sacrifice, Such a Moment
While decorating for Christmas this year, I set up our ceramic nativity set and surrounded it with fake straw. This set is special to me because it was made by my father some 15 years ago. Most of his life, Daddy was a carpenter, but in his later years, he did some...
by Marie | Christmas, Christmas traditions, Faith, Holidays, Marie Wells Coutu, Names of God, Such a Moment
Putting up Christmas lights is a tradition at our house. Whether stringing them along the eaves of the roof or wrapping them around the trunks of palm trees, getting the lights up signifies that we are anticipating Christmas. I remember taking drives with my parents...
by Marie | Advice, Devotionals, Faith, Learn, Life, Marie Wells Coutu, Mended Vessels, Trust, Truth
How gullible can I be? Seems like I’m willing to try all kinds of remedies to lose weight, look younger, or get rid of brown spots, skin tags, and spiders. Can you relate? Apple cider vinegar will help me lose weight? Tried it. (Nope, didn’t work. Maybe...
by Marie | Devotionals, Discipline, Life, Listening, Marie Wells Coutu, Mended Vessels, Storms, Such a Moment, Trust
The fire alarm woke me just before midnight. I was staying on the second floor of a hotel in Georgia. There’d been a false alarm during the day a few days earlier, but it shut off after a minute or two. I peeked out in the hallway and saw people leaving their...
by Marie | Devotionals, Eternity, Investment, Life, Marie Wells Coutu, Ministry, Opportunity, Such a Moment, Thankfulness
Ever tried to capture the perfect expression on a child’s face, only to have your camera or phone click one second too late? Or try to catch the peak moment of an athletic event with the same result? How about those times when you’ve had a delightful...
by Marie | Devotionals, Faith, Life, Marie Wells Coutu, Ministry, Truth, Words
To a writer, words are the tools of the trade. We agonize over finding just the right word to convey a specific meaning. Don’t use “walked” when “strode,” “shuffled,” or “ambled” is a better fit. Sometimes,...