We spent the weekend with two of our grandchildren. We all had a great time at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival and the Mall of America.
However, as we left the last store, we (the adults) stopped to look at a sale item. And one tired little boy got upset and told us, “You said we were leaving, so let’s go!”
We had to remind him who was in charge–and it wasn’t him. Even though he had gotten to choose his favorite rides, eat where he wanted to eat, and do what he wanted to do for two days, he still wasn’t satisfied. He got impatient with us because we didn’t act as quickly as he wanted us to.
Reflecting on the situation later, it occurred to me that this is sometimes how I treat God.
Whether it’s asking him for healing for a loved one, for blessings in my writing career, or to turn around the culture or “fix” the government, I grow impatient. “You promised me, God, now hurry up!” is often my attitude.
I’m not alone in my complaints. The psalmist cried out, “It’s time to act, God; they’ve made a shambles of your revelation!” (Psalm 119:126 MSG) That feels like an appropriate cry for these times, doesn’t it?
But elsewhere in scripture, we are reminded that “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority” (Acts 1:7, ESV).
In other words, God is in charge. He will fulfill His promises, but it will be in His time and in His way.
Our response is to trust Him, and to be patient.
In other words, “Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!“(Psalm 27:14, ESV).