by Marie | Advice, Devotionals, Faith, Fear, Learn, Life, Marie Wells Coutu, Prayer, Queen Esther, Rescue, Sacrifice, Such a Moment, Trust
The biblical story of Queen Esther is beloved by many people for its intrigue, heroism, and demonstration of God’s faithfulness. The king’s adviser plotted to destroy the Jewish exiles living in the kingdom. Queen Esther’s cousin Mordecai urged her...
by Marie | Devotionals, Faith, Growth, Hope, Life, Marie Wells Coutu, Persistence, Prayer, Such a Moment
We recently completed a home improvement project–replacing the flooring in our bedroom and bath and installing a new pantry and linen cabinet. My husband, admiring the finished product, said, “This is nice. I’m not used to things not being under...
by Marie | Devotionals, Expectations, Faith, Life, Marie Wells Coutu, Prayer, Such a Moment, Trust
We all have expectations. Some are for big accomplishments, some for little things. For instance, we just hung our hummingbird feeder out for this season. Now we expect hummingbirds to visit. Never mind that only a few came to our feeders last year. This year, we have...
by Marie | Freedom, Holidays, Marie Wells Coutu, Prayer, Such a Moment
Today is Presidents’ Day. So what? I remember when Washington’s Birthday and Lincoln’s Birthday were celebrated on different days. I was still in school then, before the Federal government combined the holidays and moved it to the third Monday in...
by Marie | Authority, Faith, Freedom, Marie Wells Coutu, Prayer, Such a Moment
Within four days last week, we saw: Millions of Americans exercise their right to vote in a free presidential election; Hundreds of protesters march, chanting “Not My President;” Recognition of military veterans by the media, businesses, and sports teams....
by Marie | Devotionals, Faith, Life, Marie Wells Coutu, Patience, Prayer, Questioning God, Questioning God, Such a Moment
We spent the weekend with two of our grandchildren. We all had a great time at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival and the Mall of America. However, as we left the last store, we (the adults) stopped to look at a sale item. And one tired little boy got upset...