Some people just like to climb.
When my son was a teenager, he and his dad enjoyed rock climbing. The few times I went with them (just as an observer), I got goosebumps in my stomach if I watched them crawl up the face of the cliff, a few hundred feet above an unforgiving, rocky “landing zone.” One slip of the hand or equipment failure could mean disaster. As a wife and mother, I applauded their courage–but prayed the whole time!
When they were halfway up (or down) the rock face, giving up, freaking out, or simply deciding not to continue was not really an option.
That’s the way it is sometimes with our goals and dreams. When things get tough, we might want to quit. If we continually run into closed doors, it’s tempting to get discouraged and abandon the whole idea.
That’s when we have to remember how we got to this point. If the goal seemed worthwhile at the beginning, continuing the pursuit is still worthwhile. If we believe God has given us the dream, it honors Him when we persevere. And He will give us what we need to continue.
“Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith” (Hebrews 12:1-2, ESV).
No matter how tough your circumstances, hold on. Remember your goal and why it’s important, but also know that you can’t accomplish it alone. Trust God to give you the strength to hold on until the finish.