by Marie | Devotionals, Expectations, Faith, Goals, Marie Wells Coutu, New Year's Resolutions, Such a Moment, Trust
Tomorrow is the first day of 2019. Instead of making resolutions that will go by the wayside in a few weeks, consider this approach. This is a repost of a blog I published in September 2016, but I think it applies especially well to the New Year. What new frontiers...
by Marie | Devotionals, Dreams, Expectations, Faith, future, Goals, Learn, Life, Marie Wells Coutu, Mended Vessels, Opportunity, Such a Moment
It’s summer, and sometimes we need a break. So I’m repeating one of my favorite posts. Perhaps it’s just the reminder you need today. Do you have a dream? Is there something you have always wanted to do since you were a child? Is there something you...
by Marie | Devotionals, Eternity, Faith, Goals, Hope, Life, Marie Wells Coutu, Mended Vessels, Such a Moment, Truth
Do you ever wonder where your weird dreams come from? The other night, I dreamed I was supposed to act in a play. Now, my second major in college was drama and I’ve been in numerous productions. But in this dream, I had signed up to work backstage managing...
by Marie | Beginnings, Devotionals, Faith, Goals, Growth, Learn, Life, Marie Wells Coutu, Memories, Such a Moment
Temperatures in the 90s. Humidity just as high. Sweat–excuse me, perspiration–pouring into my eyes. Plugs in my ears insufficient to drown out the noise. Why was I here? I don’t even care about auto racing. I didn’t know any of the drivers. I...
by Marie | Devotionals, Faith, future, Goals, Life, Marie Wells Coutu, Such a Moment, Trust, Waiting
How much of our time do we spend waiting? We wait at stoplights, of course. We wait for others in our family to be ready to go someplace. We wait for updates to download to our computers. We authors wait to be published, or we wait for inspiration. I found myself in...
by Marie | Devotionals, Faith, Goals, Life, Marie Wells Coutu, Persistence, Such a Moment
Some people just like to climb. When my son was a teenager, he and his dad enjoyed rock climbing. The few times I went with them (just as an observer), I got goosebumps in my stomach if I watched them crawl up the face of the cliff, a few hundred feet above an...