by Marie | Devotionals, Faith, Life, Love, Marie Wells Coutu, Mended Vessels, Questioning God, Such a Moment, Trust
Ever worry about what you’re going to say in a crucial moment? I sure do. I’m heading to a writer’s conference this week, with some anxiety about being effective when I pitch my story idea to agents and editors. But there are other times I feel...
by Marie | Devotionals, Faith, Joy, Life, Marie Wells Coutu, Mended Vessels, security, Waiting
Like hundreds of thousands of others, we spent much of the weekend waiting for and watching the progress of Hurricane Irma. We’re safe in Iowa, but we have many friends in Fort Myers and other parts of Florida, and we’re concerned about our winter home...
by Marie | Devotionals, Faith, Labor Day, Life, Marie Wells Coutu, Self-identity, Such a Moment, Work
I’ve been grandparenting for the past week, and in the process got a bad cold, so I’m following my own advice and taking Labor Day off. Here’s what I posted a year ago. I think it remains relevant: A character in the Sunday comics this week...
by Marie | Devotionals, Faith, future, Life, Marie Wells Coutu, Mended Vessels, security, Trust
The dog went on an adventure the other night and wound up in the lake. Our son’s family was visiting for the weekend, the stars were out, and meteor showers were predicted. We live a couple miles outside town with few lights around us, so the night sky view is...
by Marie | Authority, Devotionals, Growth, Life, Marie Wells Coutu, Mended Vessels, Patience, Such a Moment
This weekend we took care of two grandchildren without their parents. It’s not the first time, but it was the first time we’d had the three-year-old granddaughter along with her older brother. Her favorite two phrases seemed to be, “I want” and...