by Marie | Devotionals, Faith, Life, Marie Wells Coutu, Such a Moment
If you look for them, you can find stories all around you. We’ve just celebrated Memorial Day, which is really all about the stories of soldiers who died to serve our country. Behind every name and every tombstone, there’s a true and fascinating story....
by Marie | Devotionals, Expectations, Faith, Life, Marie Wells Coutu, Prayer, Such a Moment, Trust
We all have expectations. Some are for big accomplishments, some for little things. For instance, we just hung our hummingbird feeder out for this season. Now we expect hummingbirds to visit. Never mind that only a few came to our feeders last year. This year, we have...
by Marie | Faith, Joy, Marie Wells Coutu, Memories, Such a Moment, Thankfulness
Memories are funny things. Some are wonderful, while others are so horrid we’d rather forget them, but can’t. A smell, a tune, or a taste can trigger a memory. Sometimes we remember an incident so insignificant, we don’t even know why it came to...
by Marie | Cross, Devotionals, Easter, Faith, Marie Wells Coutu, Storms, Such a Moment, Trust
As Holy Week begins, it seems fitting to be reminded of the significance of the cross. I heard that some hymnals have removed all the songs that refer to the cross or to the blood of Jesus. If that’s true (and I have no proof that it is), they would be gutting...
by Marie | Baseball, Devotionals, Faith, Life, Love, Marie Wells Coutu, Mended Vessels, Such a Moment, Trust
Baseball is back. Spring training has begun and once again we can enjoy the sunshine, warm breezes, and fresh air while the “boys of summer” play their games. Some people find baseball boring, while others love the strategy and the thrill of seeing a home...